Satan attacks

Satan's purpose is to divert you or distract you from what God desires you to do. To do this he has to hide the truth from you. He does this by:

Making you believe something is true when it is not true, or

Making you believe something is not true when it is true.

The truth frees you from Satan's control which is why you need to know it. When you do not know what the truth is,  never argue, reason, react ,assume or behave from habit because Satan can use these things against you and God does not have to do the same thing twice..

The purpose of Satan is to be worshiped as God and to rule the universe instead of Jesus. Christians hinder him in doing this so are the focus of his attacks in this world which he rules.  As a master stroke Satan has hidden this from Christians so they look for his worldly ways to treat what they consider sickness, either mental or emotional.  By this he rules the church in some way as they look to his methods taught to man (Psychology, psychiatry and similar) as the way to treat these problems.

We are told Satan walks around like a lion seeking whom he can devour (destroy) and make part of his kingdom.  The only people he is really interested in attacking are those not of his kingdom, because they do not belong to him, namely those of The Kingdom of God - Christians.  So Christians who ignore him or do not believe he can attack them are those he concentrates on.

Those he has in his kingdom he uses for his purposes so that his attacks have two approaches:

Direct attacks by his demons

Indirect attacks by those he controls (legal or peer pressure).

Satan tries to shake your faith and trust in whom God is and in His love for you by creating doubt in you about these things so he can provide for you his (Satan’s) alternatives.

According to whom you believe God is will be determined how you obey God and fight his enemy, Satan.

Faith is a belief in things you cannot see and is the evidence (demonstrates) of what you believe in and hope for (Heb 1:1).

If you do not believe in whom God is and that it is worthwhile obeying Him you will not obey God in the way He desires you too (Heb 11:6).

Do Christians have to be concerned about being attacked by Satan?

Some Christians do not believe Satan attacks you once you become a Christian or that his attacks cannot affect you once you become a Christian and some do not even believe in him.

A study of Job chapter 1 shows he exists and when he is able to attack a person who is a follower of God (e.g. a Christian).

In Job chapter 1 verse 1, we are told Job was a man who appeared to do all the right things and was in a correct relationship with God then we are told how many children he had and how wealthy he was.

In verses six and seven we are shown Satan wanders the earth and he has a right too because he is the God of it (because most follow what he suggests they do) and he has a right to rule for six days (6000 years) because the earth is then given rest on the seventh day (1000 years) when Jesus rules in his Millennial Kingdom.  He reports to God every 7 years so the two times he appears in front God are seven years apart.

God asked Satan if there was anyone as righteous as Job, showing how correct the relationship was that Job had with God. In verses 10- 12 Satan is claiming that God is protecting Job even though Job does not fully trust God. This is shown chapter 3 verse 25 where Job states he was afraid he would lose everything God had given him and because he was afraid God could not protect it Satan was able to attack Job in that area, and so what Job was afraid of happened. So Satan used the one area of faith Job was lacking in as it was the only area he was to attack Job in and even then he had to ask permission from God to do it.

This is why Jesus needs to be Lord of every ea of your life and not just part of it.

Satan attacked Job by destroying his finances and removing his close relationship except for his wife who told him to admit he had sinned.  She was correct!

This attack did not shake Job's faith and so Satan asked if he could attack his health and God allowed him too. This second attack was allowed to prove Job's faith and was not because Job had any area in Job’s life that Satan was using attack him.

Job did not believe he had sinned and fell into self pity justifying himself before his three friends and then sinned through complaining about what God had allowed to happen to him.  Job was self-righteous so God, at the end of Job, revealed His control of things to Job to show He could have protected Job in all areas then Job repented of his lack of faith and was restored.

God did not justify His actions to Job but showed to Job His control of things at which point Job realised that God's control is far superior to anything Job could imagine and repented of his self-pity and of his complaining to God.

So we can see Satan only has the right to attack an area Jesus is not Lord of and that Satan first attacked finances and relationships and then attacked your health. We also are shown that God allows attacks by Satan for the purposes of teaching us things.

Why finances?  Because realise they are stewards and not owners of what they have and do not ask God what to do with what they have been trusted with and o most sin in the area of finances because they do not do with what God desires them to do with what they have been given by God.  Sin is missing God’s requirements of you and finances are the most common one.

Then he attacks health and finally isolates you so th at you have no one to encourage or help you.

If you do not go through trials then I would be concerned because Satan does not believe you are worthwhile attacking because he has you where he wants you to be unless you know it is because God is completely Lord of all your life and is allowing the attack to teach you something, to prepare you for ministry or life in heaven.

So the answer to the question is that we have to be concerned about a lack of attack by Satan as it means God cannot use these to mature or teach you and that Satan does not think you are a threat to him.

The truths of God sets you free!

Satan has to deceive you to succeed in an attack and we are told in various verses God will tell us what we need to know (Duet 29:29) and His Truths, He tells you, will set you free (Rom 8:32) to be able to refute the deceit Saran is trying to have you accept because you know the truth that will allow you to fight his attacks and refute his lies and deceit he is trying to have you accept.

The first response to the attacks of Satan on the Jesus in the desert was to see what The Bible said about what Satan suggest so that the truths in it would counteract the attack of Satan.

This attack was counteracted pointing to God’s provision and your control of things as a steward.  Satan was trying to attack the stewardship of Jesus so that He would take what Satan provided and be a steward of these things.

The second attack was to have Jesus doubt God’s Love for Him by having Him prove it to Him.

The third attack was to obtain things in a way differently to what God desires Him to obtain them and not to trust Gods plan.  By obeying Satan He would have made Satan and idol and the desires of Jesus also an idol and rejected God’s Lordship of Him.

Because of this Satan has to hide the truths of God from you or have you misunderstand them so that you will overemphasize a part of, ignore a part of it or not understand it so that it is not what it really is but only what it appear to be.

He does this by trying to deceive or distract you so that you will not do what God requires of you either in part or whole.

A cult starts through misinterpretation of Scripture either deliberately or through misunderstanding what it says. In all cults there is a form of religion as men try to fill the space missing through activity they believe will compensate for the missing truths they need to know that do not appear to be in the Bible.

This is why it is necessary to know what the Bible says and have someone who properly understands it to be available to help you when you do not understand something or to guide you when you are entering into error in an understanding of a part of the Bible.

Satan’s main Approach

Satan works on our relationship with God to imply we do not have one with him or at best it is not a good one.  Salvation is a relationship so Satan aims all he can at destroying our relationship with God.

IF the rapture occurred now Jesus aid only 10% of Christians would go up in irt.  After the three revival 20% would go up in it. This was because they know of Jesus but did not have a relationship with Him and The Father.  Notice how the emphasis in churches is on knowledge or supernatural experiences and not a relationship with God?  Satan has trained the church well.

How does He do this?

Firstly, he takes your focus off God and His things so that you will ignore God’s control and look at yourself and your problems and try to deal with them without asking God what He desires done with them.

He then makes you doubt God loves you so that you feel rejected by God and unloved by him.

He then isolates you those who could encourage and guide you and help you in your Christian life, and who would expose the lies you have accepted which Satan has told you.

He tries to make God appear impersonal and not caring so you will doubt His Love of you.  Then he builds his own ideas in your mind and The Holy Spirit is not listened to give you the truth of God to set you free. 

To aid in this Satan has made The Holy Spirit no longer relevant in most churches and persuaded them to use man’s method to meet your emotional problems.

This is why you need to know the truths of God and the loving relationship you have with Him so that you can fight the lies Satan tries to have you accept that would remove or modify negatively the understanding you have of these and of your relationship with God.

Satan tries to stop you knowing or expressing God or His Kingdom. Specifically:

His Love for people and His desire for them to be with Him

His Character

His Kingdom and its expression

His Truths

His enemy (Satan) and his tactics

Satan tries to distract or deceive you from focusing on:

Who God is

His Kingdom

His Things

His Love and work for you

He does this so you will focus on what he wants you to do:

Worship him

Promote his kingdom

Promote his values and morals

Promote his war against God in some way

To do the above things Satan has to occupy your mind's thoughts so that The Holy Spirit will not be heard and so that he can influence you through the things (his world system) he has around you and through the Demons placing their thoughts in your mind in the hope you will think they are your own thoughts and will do them.

He uses pleasure and rewards or pain to remove from your life something God desires you to have. He attacks your mind, your health, relationships and finances. It tries to wear you out or make you believe God has forgotten about you and that He no longer loves you.

He will tell you the trial will not and and God will leave you like you are until you die. But this is a lie beause we are told in 1 Corinthians 10:13 that God has always made a way of escape even though it may be death. Besides, the trials of this life only for a short season when compared to the joy we will have in eternity.

Trials serve at least four purposes:

To teach you a lesson you need to know to prepare for heaven or ministry

To develop the character or maturity you need to prepare you for ministry and heaven

To bring God Glory by the way you suffer the trial

To cause you to repent of a sin so that you will not go to hell.

You must examine things to determine how they affect your relationship with God and His purposes for you so that you will see how it affects your holiness and your pursuit of holiness. It is important to pursue holiness because without holiness you cannot approach God, which means you will not go to heaven, but will go to hell.

The life and practice of holiness requires you to know God's requirements of you so that you can do them as well as to be able to realise when Satan is trying to use the world system to replace God's standards and requirements in you.

This is hard these days because modern Bibles do not say the same thing and do

God will forgive sin but you may still suffer the consequences. An example being a young lady having sex when she is not married. God forgives the sin but she still has baby and to abort it is murder. Sometimes God will heal the consequences of sin but whether or not He does so is determined by what is best for you.

God says we reap what we sow and God is bound by what he pronounces (Gal6:7-8).

Sometimes death will release you from the trial and that is what is best for you at that time and for The Kingdom of God and you may do more for God by the way you die than if you had lived.

Satan knows the way most people learn about Jesus is through the example of the Christian life of others and what people tell others about what Jesus has done for them so Satan tries to stop people doing these things.

This is why he has had denominations or churches require people to be qualified to tell about Jesus and to teach about Him. This means most people in churches are not authorized by the denomination or church to evangelize or teach about Jesus. By this he has negated the commands of Jesus that all his followers should be able to do these things.

He also does not encourage people to study the Bible and check whether what they are taught is scriptural or not so that any error preached will be found out and corrected.

Specific areas Satan attacks

He stops you seeing God around you

Through peer pressure to conform to his values using family, friends and the law.

Through his world system around you

Through the media around you

Through education teaching his morals and values

Through his laws and morals he has people legislate

He stops you hearing God

Stop you Hearing The Holy Spirit through trying to crows HIM put of your mind with his (Satan’s) thoughts

Stops you understanding how God guides in His Bible

Stops you obtaining or understanding godly guidance from others

Stops you understanding the 5 basics of God's guidance

What The Bible says


Godly Council


Peace in your heart

He ties to stop you serving God

Stops you evangelising and telling others what God has done in your life

Stops you teaching others in an official capacity in a denomination

Stops you demonstrating the authority of God’s Kingdom over him

Stops you warring spiritually for others and defeating Satan’s plans and hindering Satan's kingdom

He stops you learning about God

Stops you studying The Bible

Stops you reading The Bible

Stops people encouraging you in your faith

Hinders you understanding Godly council an instruction

He stops you relating to others correctly

Christianity is built on relationships with God and others (Jn 17:3 states this relationship with God results in salvation).  So Satan's main objective is to destroy these relationships or at least make them dysfunctional. He does this through giving you misinformation about the other half of the relationship so you become concerned about it and maybe even break it off.

Satan uses slander, gossip, innuendo, lie or any other means that will cause you to doubt your relationship with another.

This is why you must always speak the truth otherwise Satan will use it to cause problems to you or another. In a way this defrauds another and we are told not to defraud another.

Basically, it defrauds another by depriving them of what God wants you to do for them. In other words you are showing a lack of love for them and by this robbing them of something God desires you to do for them even if it is only a part of what God desires to have done for them..

Sin, by its nature, robs another of something God desires them to have.

So when you speak incorrectly about another in any way you are showing a lack of love towards them and there is possibly sin if you know what you are saying is wrong. This is why you never comment on another unless you know what you're saying is true.

He has to hide God and His Kingdom from people

First some definitions


The chief or sovereign ruler of a nation; a man invested with supreme authority over a nation, tribe or country; a monarch. Kings are absolute monarchs, when they possess the powers of government without control, or the entire sovereignty over a nation; they are limited monarchs, when their power is restrained by fixed laws; and they are absolute, when they possess the whole legislative, judicial, and executive power, or when the legislative or judicial powers, or both, are vested in other bodies of men. Kings are hereditary sovereigns, when they hold the powers of government by right of birth or inheritance, and elective, when raised to the throne by choice.


The same role as a king but it is not hereditary


.A commonwealth; a state in which the exercise of the sovereign power is lodged in representatives elected by the people. In modern usage, it differs from a democracy or democratic state, in which the people exercise the powers of sovereignty in person. Yet the democracies of Greece are often called republics.


Government by the people; a form of government, in which the supreme power is lodged in the hands of the people collectively, or in which the people exercise the powers of legislation. Such was the government of Athens.

Satan has to hide God as our King and His Kingdom so that we do  not know what it means to be a citizen of a kingdom and of The Kingdom of God.  So he has earthly kings who do not rule like God does or other forms of government where people think they control things and so hides the control of God over them and the requirements to serve Him or His Kingdom in all they do.

People then believe they own things and control their own destinies so that Satan can then use them for his purposes.  This allows him to use people to promote his world system so that The Kingdom of God is well hidden from most and even many Churches do not realize or understand it so run the church as if they owned it.

He hides the fact that God owns everything, that we are only stewards of what we have and that we serve God first and then we serve others in the way He tells us too and should deal with what we are steward of in the way He requires us to deal with them.

The problem with gifts and miracles

Cessationism (The belief the gifts and miracles are not for the modern church)

In the 1600s the Anglican church declared there were no more miracles or gifts expressed because their usage died out with the apostles. This was the view of the Reformation so that these things were absent from preaching in the Western church. Satan's knew that it was these made the Christian faith special and demonstrated the authority of God and His Kingdom over him and by removing them Christianity was little different to other religions where there was a book and guidelines for living given by a ‘god’.

However, unlike very modern Bibles were Jesus is now declared to be a human and not divine they still believed Jesus was the son of God and divine and like other people of His time became a God by what He did..

When the charismatic and Pentecostal churches started using the gifts and miracles Satan then hijacked these causing excesses and misuse of these so that they were rejected by the fundamental, evangelical church.

So Satan has stopped The Kingdom and its authority being demonstrated so that the evidence of its existence through the demonstration of the authority of its King, Jesus, is not shown.  By this Satan has removed the one weapon against him as people no longer believe we have the authority to cast Satan out or hinder his plans.

Until the church starts to demonstrate The Kingdom of God will not represent The Kingdom and will be little different to other religions especially if it believes Jesus was a human who was made God because of what he did.

The latest heresy to make Jesus have some sort life before birth is to say he was a high rating Angel but not as high-ranking as Satan and in fact Satan has had people believe, in some religions, that Jesus was an evil brother of Satan while Satan was the good member of the family.

A problem with Cessationism

One of the problems of Cessationism is the ignoring of the guidance of The Holy Spirit and that the fact that miracles and the gifts were demonstrated well past the 1600’s by some people.  It is easier for a denomination to explain they no longer relevant than to admit they cannot express these things so something must be wrong somewhere.

Jesus said that His follower would express these things in some way.

Any Christian not expressing these things has a problem as they are not doing what Jesus said they should be doing and if knowingly not doing these things or teaching people to do these things they are sinning.

Satan has to alter The Bible

The Bible and its principles were the basis of society for over 1800 years. He has to destroy this moral foundation and have it say what he desires it says.  He has done this through having a ‘new Greek’ text replace the correct one so that his errors can be better promoted.

Modern Bibles are a result of his manoeuvring and express some of his heresies and have be used by him to corrupt Christianity. Through this corruption he has altered Christianity so that it now accepts things that the Bible once forbade.

What follows explains how he has done this.

The destruction of Christianity

What follows is a basic overview of the deceit behind the modern Bibles

Look at the following verse

Psa 11:3  If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?

There is a principle in this verse that if you remove the basis of what a man believes in you will destroy the belief of a person because they will not know what to believe in as there is no longer a firm or rational basis for their belief.

Now examine the following verse:

Rom 10:9  That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

This verse states that you must believe Jesus is (Lord) God and that God has raised him from the dead otherwise you will not be able to believe that you are redeemed let alone that you have salvation.

Modern Bible versions do not say the same things and they translate verses differently at times which means there is no version that can truly be said to be correct because all have differences and are based on what the editors believed God wanted to say.

Satan has managed to destroy the foundation of the Bible by changing 20% of it and making people believe this altered Bible is better than the one it replaces even though only 45 manuscripts out of 5145 texts back it up and of the two main manuscripts used: Sinaiticus and 2427, are a proven fake and the other manuscript, Vaticanus is, not a fourth century manuscript as is claimed being written between 444 and 464 AD because of the format it was in only being used in this period.  So it cannot be used as a primary source document but only one to refer too if the main documents are conflicting. It also has so m any corrections you really cannot know what it the correct correction to follow.

I will deal with each of these manuscripts separately.

Codex Vaticanus

A Bible needs a good foundation and I will show that modern Bibles do not have a foundation at all by examining their validity, for the purposes of Bible translation of the three main texts used:

The Vaticanus.

Codex Sinaiticus

Codex 2472 (used in the latest Kurt/Aland Greek Text to translate Mark.

Part A the codices use.

Codex Vaticanus

Firstly its format shows it is a 5th Century document and not a 4th century one,  using a format that was only used  between 440 and 464 and the format was not used after 464 because it took up too much vellum to write and vellum was expensive.

There were also so many people who corrected this codex that you cannot tell which is the correction to use so that it is unsafe to use it for a translation.

Codex 2472

This was used to rewrite Mark.

This was proved to be a forgery because the ink used in it was not available before the middle of the 1800’s.

It is also interesting to note they were going to verify the age of the Sinaiticus but when 2472 was exposed because of its ink being the wrong dares they withdrew the testing of Sinaiticus as if they were worried the testing would show it was a forgery.

Proof the Codex Sinaiticus is a forgery

In the early 1800’s and inventory was taken by a scholar of the manuscripts in St Catherine’s Monastery where the Sinaiticus was found.  It showed it had three old Bibles none of which was the codex Sinaiticus.

Late a Serbian theologian and the Lewis sisters came to the convent and saw the codex Sinaiticus.  They all said it was white with no appearance of age and obviously did not think it was authentic or they would have told the world of the discovery of this ‘ancient’ codex and achieved the fame its so called discoverer received.

Along comes Tischendorf who realises the ‘importance’ of this ‘ancient’ manuscript, unlike the three expert theologians before Him.  He sends a part of the Old Testament to King Frederick in Germany.  They are still there but under a different name (codex Frederickus) so people do not realise it is part of the Sinaiticus.  They are white and not aged.

The few pages found in the monastery in the 1990’s were also white. As these were also white and not available when the Sinaiticus was used for Bible translation and Vaticanus was not a good codex to use one wonders what they used to translate these missing pages.

Does this mean modern Bibles cannot correct as these pages were not there when they were translated and there was no other suitable ancient text to use?

Tischendorf came back to the monastery and begged to borrow the manuscript for a month lying to the abbot that he would return it but never gave it back but sent it to the Czar of Russia who had funded his trip to the monastery. .  Years later the Czar paid the monastery to recompense them for the loss of the codex because it had been stolen by Tischendorf

Tischendorf lied about how he obtained it saying he found it and stopped it being burnt.  He found it in a basket because they were stored that way and they were never burnt as the parchment was too valuable and smelled strongly when burnt.  The parchment was usually scraped and reused as a palimpsest.

When Tischendorf revealed the codex to the world a month later the pages were aged and not white like when he had received them.  So He had either aged them or it was a different codex to what he received.

Two people told him it was a forgery (the forger Simonedes and a person who saw him forge the codex).  Another saw Tischendorf clean the codex pages with lemon juice which was also one of the ways they made documents look aged in the middle 1800’s.

Can you trust a Greek codex that was made to look aged and whose finding was lied about?

In the Kurt Aland 7th edition codex 2472 was included as their documents to use for translation.  2472 was proved to be a forgery also and it is to be noted that after this the codex Sinaiticus was withdrawn from being tested as if they were worried it to may have been a fake.

The problem is that the documents backing this codex make up only .01% of all Greek manuscriptal which means they were considered worthless for Bible Translation.  While the other 99.99% back up the King James Greek.

So they use the Vaticanus to back up the Sinaiticus but unfortunately they have over 3000 differences in the Gospels alone between and the Vaticanus corrected by 8 or more people so you cannot really determine what corrections to use for translation and which codex I s correct.  It is also a 5th century text and not a 4th century text which according to their guideline is not acceptable as a text to use as a basis for translation purposes.  So there is no other codex to back upmost of the Sinaiticus.

We know it is a 5th century codex because the format it is written in was only used between 440 and 464 AD

So why were these codices used?

They were used because they backed up the belief amongst many theologians that Jesus was a human who became God which is why His divinity is attacked so much in translations based on these two codices (Sinaiticus and 2472).

So most of the modern translations are based on forged codices whose purpose is to remove the divinity of Jesus and alter doctrine so that the Christian Bible could be used by all faiths and religions as part of a one world religions which is why 20% of it was altered toward the purpose of removing t he divinity of Jesus.

To summarise the above

Prior to it being seen by the Lewis sisters and a Serbian theologian there was no previous knowledge of the codex Sinaiticus.  It was not in a catalogue of the monastery manuscripts taken in the early 1800’s and no one seems to know where it came from.  This would be true of a forged document forged between its cataloguing and it being seen by these people.

These three people said the pages were white and did not consider it of any value or they would have announced it to the world.  The white vellum indicated a recent writing of it.

So three people with eminent knowledge of codices did not think it was worthwhile to tell the world about it.

Tischendorf comes along and sees it, takes some of it and sends it to King Frederick, the person who financed his trip.  Nothing much was made of this manuscript.  It is still in Germany and is still white but under another name so it is not associated with the Sinaiticus.

Tischendorf goes back to the monastery and begs to be given the New Testament part for a while saying he would return it.

He is seen aging the pages of the codex lying and saying he was only cleaning it. After he is finished with it the pages are aged and he does not return it but steals it and sends it to the Czar of Russia who compensated the monastery for the theft with a then princely sum.

He is told by the forger and someone who witnessed the forger writing it that is was a forgery.  He refused to accept this because the codex made him famous and established his place amongst biblical scholarship.   He never let truth get in the road of fact.

All his life he lied to everyone, including his wife and close family about how he had found the manuscript. Can you trust someone who lies and goes against the judgment of three earlier experts that the manuscript was not old therefore not worthwhile telling the world about?

The question is as to whether the manuscript he presented to the world was the real Sinaiticus or something he forged in its place. The real one was white and he was seen cleaning the pages with lemon juice corrupting a manuscript to make it look old.  It is not known if he was corrupting the white pages of the Sinaiticus or something he substituted for it instead.

If this was a normal book it would have been rejected as a phoney.  So why was the supposed Sinaiticus manuscript Tischendorf found accepted as genuine when all indications are it was forged?

It was not white so could not be the original Sinaiticus unless he had altered it to make it look aged.  SO manuscript he altered too look old was taken as being old.  But then it suited the doctrine of liberal theologians that hated the text of the King James Greek.


Satan has managed to use fraud to destroy the Greek text of the New Testament and remove the moral and ethical foundation of Christianity and he has done this in such a way that most Christians and theological scholars are not aware of what he has done. The foundations have been destroyed and the majority of the Christian church now has a Christian faith that is not biblical but believes it is because of the hidden agenda of the modern theological scholarship that edits the modern Greek for the purposes of their agenda that has turned Jesus from God into a human who was made God by what he did.

Only the King James can say it is not fraudulent and the Codices it is based on are not fraud and make up 99% of all codices unlike the 45 behind the modern Greek which are less than 1% of all codices we know about.

He has to make you doubt The Bible.

Was Satan does is to make you doubt the Bible's historical accuracy through using archaeology to try to show the places in the Bible do not exist or science to show the Bible incorrect. Unfortunately, archaeologist keep finding these places that supposedly do not exist.

He has modern translation not agreeing with each other so that  you do not know what to believe and uses these modern bibles to promote standards that are not Christian causing further confusion in people mind’s that do not have a sound doctrinal knowledge.

A major problem also are the first eleven chapters in Genesis which are a stumbling block to many people.

Unfortunately for Satan the Bible has been shown to be correct in every area so that these problems no longer cause doubt if the research is done which will show The Bible is correct about them.   Atheists and agnostics promote these errors because they not believe these things happen..

If you believe in whom God is and that the Bible correctly records these events then you will have no problem with Genesis chapters 1 to 11.

If you do not believe in a single thing God wrote in Genesis Ch 1 to 11 then you cannot believe anything else in The Bible.

You are saying either God lied in these chapters or they were not transmitted correctly or The Bible lied about them being from God because they were the myths of men and as you do not know where else in The Bible men got it wrong you cannot believe anything else in it.

This means you cannot really believe what The Bible says about God, Jesus, Salvation Redemption, Heaven and hell as well as its requirements for living in a godly way.

You cannot say you are a follower of Jesus because Jesus believed in these chapters as did the apostles.

As they believe men have not correctly heard God to write The Bible or transmit it correctly then they are in no position to later declare that they know what God wanted to say in The Bible, which is the basis of the Greek behind new bibles.  This means you really cannot trust them because they were edited by men who wrote what they thought God wanted to say but cannot really say what they wrote or thought God said is what He wanted to say.

So you either believe literally in Genesis Ch 1 to 11 or there is nothing you can rely on as a basis for your 'Christian' faith.

Satan is methodical and has had 6000 years to devise ways to trap modern Christians in his web of deceit and control

To do this he has to make you believe something that is not there or a something that is not a threat to you is actually a real threat.  Alternatively, he has to make something real appear as if it does not exist or something that is not a threat when it actually is a threat.

He does this by planting thoughts in your mind that are incorrect in the hope you will accept them as your own.  This is why it is always good to ask The Holy Spirit to protect and keep your mind through His truths!

He has modified The Bible to water down the requirements of God and whom Jesus is and most Christians do not know this so that Satan is able to promote things such as abortion and same sex marriage and many Christians, who use these ‘new’ bibles accept these things.

To divert or sidetrack you he gives you two paths or things to do in which one seems more preferable than the other in the hope you will follow it.  Naturally it is not the one you should follow as Satan is offering it to you.  This is why you need to be guided by The Holy Spirit so that you know which path or thing to do is the correct one to take.

To hide the real status of things Satan has to do the following:

Replaces God's lifestyle and reality with his own  This is easy to do as he runs the world and is called the god of this world - the spiritual entity people worship, even only through worshiping what he offers them and accepting his values for living whether they know it or not.

He needs to hide God's lifestyle and requirements from people so he hides The Bible from them and hides the fact they will be judge by God for what they do and what they think of doing.

He uses pleasure to overcome self-control so you will reject God's lifestyle and follow his.  If people believe there is no life after death or believe you are reincarnated or do not realise God will judge you after they die then there is no need to do good or exercise self control except to stop yourself being hurt.  You can do what you want to and enjoy what pleasure you can.  After all, if it is legal you can do it.  This is why the homosexual and lesbian agendas are pushed so much in governments so that they can do legally what they want even though God says it is morally wrong.

He hides who Jesus is.  If Jesus is not God then you do not have to do what He said or even believe in the miracles he did or the delegated authority He has given us over Satan.  His Redemption did not occur and you then are required to do things to merit salvation.  You then have  religion no different to that of Mohamed or Buddha.  You can have all Muslims, Buddhists, Christians and Catholics fellowshipping together in a one world religion.  The Jews will not join this group which is why the world government is trying to wipe them out.

He hides himself and hell.  If there is no devil or hell then there is no punishment for sin after death and you can say what you want about what happens after death and God is not part of what happens as He is considered not to exist or is not relevant.

Satan  promotes him and his demons as being good.  If he cannot have you not believe in him and his demons then he promotes himself as good and Jesus as evil and even promotes Jesus as his more evil brother at times.

The world is a smoke screen to promote Satan, his values, his purposes and his kingdom.  His main weapons are Television and other media, education system, government laws, the legal system and liberal Christian scholars behind the modern bibles.  This is how he has hidden Jesus from people and set up the world to accept his Antichrist who supposedly is the returning messiah.

It is becoming more and more important to be led by The Holy Spirit so you can avoid the traps Satan has set in the world for Christians to fall into.

“For as many as are led by The Holy Spirit are the children of God (His Citizens and followers).


If Satan cannot persuade you to accept what he wants you too he will then try peer pressure (everyone is doing it)  intimidation (do it or get hurt) and/or violence ( you are not doing it so we will kill/hurt you).

If he has no moral or historical basis for the change he wants he will force it some way through threats of violence coupled with misinformation.

This is how he ‘encourages’ people to pass legislation or rules that promote his purposes.

He also makes them vocal to drown out the truth and people that actually try and stop him and have most churches sit idly by ignoring what he is doing.

This is how modern ‘liberal’ lifestyles try and get acceptance by the establishment because they have no real basis that is acceptable to God or society  for their lifestyle

Closing comments on this section

To succeed in doing these things Satan has to control some of the inputs a person has. This is not too hard because he is the god of this world and can manipulate  most of the people in it including many Christians who ignore him because they are either believe he does not exist all you cannot harm them because they are Christians.

The only thing he cannot control is your free will which is why he has to distract or deceive you to accept what he desires you to do.

All around you is a world system Satan has planned and promoted which is designed to hide God, Jesus, His Kingdom the Bible's truths as well as what God has done for you through Jesus.

The way not to be deceived by Satan is to know your Bible and how he attacks

Why reject Satan’s attacks

What is the purpose of fighting Satan? There are at least four main purposes:

Avoid going to hell

Advance or defend The Kingdom of God

Bring Glory to God by the Way You fight

Show that God and His Purposes are greater than those of Satan and are worth fighting for.

Every successful defence against the attacks of Satan does these things.

All God asks is for you to wholeheartedly obey Him out of love for Him doing what you believe is correct.

You will fail some times, but God knows you will and has already forgiven you at Calvary. Sin only occurs if you deliberately disobey God and this is what is covered at Calvary when wholeheartedly repented of. If you wholeheartedly do what you believe is right because you do not know it is wrong it is not a sin until you know it is wrong and still do it. Because it is not a sin there is no spiritual punishment for it so there is no need to deal with at Calvary.

Sin is deliberate rebellion and not doing something you do not know is wrong.

God expects you to wholeheartedly do what you believe is correct and not what others say you should do unless they are showing you it from the Bible.

What has Satan stopped churches doing?

What should a Christian be doing and what should a church be teaching them to do?

If they believe Jesus is God and Lord of all they should be promoting this viewpoint and demonstrating that it is true by expressing the authority Jesus has delegated to them as well as showing his character in all they do.

They will:

Defend his name and Character

Protect His kingdom and its people from His enemy

Attack the kingdom of his enemy and expand The Kingdom of Jesus by rescuing people from the enemy kingdom

Do His Will in all they do.

Their love for Jesus, because of what he has done for them, will be their motivation.

If they Love people in the way Jesus loves them then they will do all they can to help these people follow Jesus and avoid their going to hell.

They will teach people what Jesus has done for them so they can appreciate His love for them and they will teach these people how to enter into a correct relationship with Jesus and The Father (salvation) and how to live the life God requires of them (holiness, evangelism and Discipling).

They will teach them how to oppose the attacks of the enemy and defeat his plans for them and/or others.

The church does not usually teach or do these things, is not resting from doing these things or are not learning how to do these things so how can they say they are a follower of Jesus?

The final words of Jesus to those who would be His followers can be summarized as follows:

"All power (authority) in heaven and in earth has been given to Me.

Go and teach all nations that I have risen,

Baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

Teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you

And that you should preach repentance and remission of sins in My name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.

He that believes in whom I am and is baptized  shall go to heaven to be with me; but he that believes not shall go to hell.

These signs shall follow them that believe in whom I Am;

 In my name shall they cast out devils;

They shall speak with new languages they do not know;

They shall take up snakes and not be hurt by them;

And if they drink any poison, it shall not hurt them;

They shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover

And remember that I am with you always."

Jesus also said that if we love Him we would do these things, showing the quality of His Love toward others.

So are you doing these things, teaching them to others, learning how to do them or resting from doing them?

When you face Jesus what will you say to him if you are not doing any of these things?

Apparently a question He asks you when you face Him is “what have you done with the life I have given you?”

Remember, those who teach, such as pastors, ministers, theologians will have the greater condemnation if they are not doing these things.

Satan has had a great victory by stopping most churches from preaching these things and demonstrating The kingdom of God by not teaching and doing these things.

What to do when tempted

Sin occurs because of two reasons:

You like doing the sinful activity, or

Satan has convinced you that you cannot defeat him and overcome the temptation.

You choose to sin as Satan can only suggest you do it. He cannot control you but you give him authority over you according to the degree you accept what He suggests you do

I repeat, for you to sin you have to agree with what Satan is suggesting you to do to sin

If Jesus is Lord of the area Satan is attacking this will not happen.  This is why it is important for Jesus to be Lord of all your life so that you will reject what Satan suggests you do so that you will not sin.

How to respond to an attack

You can ignore the attack

The demons are still there attacking you

The attacks keep being repeated

The demons can be cast out in Jesus' Name

They can still return

The area can still be attacked by other demons

More worser demons can attack

Healing and restoration of any damage they did is not done

Better still is to use the five steps dealt with later on to stop demons coming back in.

The five steps give the area attacked to Jesus, removes their right to use it against you and removes them from it.

Remember that any negative thought, emotion, feeling, imagination or anything that does not give your spirit peace is an attack of Satan.  So what do you do?

Give it to Jesus to be Lord of it.  You do not need to name the actual sin and can say what I am feeling”, “What I am thinking”, or "what Satan is suggesting I do or similar.

The tell the demons to go to Jesus in His Name to be dealt with by Him and take all they have done to you with him

Command healing or restoration in Jesus’ Name of anything the demons have done to youi\ (if necessary)

Ask The Holy Spirit to take their place.

For example if you have a wrong thought:

In Jesus Name I command any demon behind the wrong thought I am having to go to the Lord Jesus and to take with him everything it has done or is doing to me and I ask you Holy Spirit to take their place.

Having sinful thoughts is not wrong if you reject them.

They come from Satan so are an attack

You are not an evil person if you have them as they did not originate from you

You only sin if you accept them and do what they suggest you do.

You are only an evil person if you delight to sin and do not want to reject the sinful thoughts

If you sin:

Tell God your sorry

Wholeheartedly try not to do the sin again

Use the five steps to give the area sinned in to Jesus to be Lord of so Satan cannot use it again.

Guilt, shame and condemnation now come from Satan

These were removed at Calvary along with the spiritual punishment of all sin repented of

The Holy Spirit will convict you but not make you feel guilty, ashamed or condemned

Deal with them as they are attack of Satan.

The Five steps

Give the matter, sin, situation, problem, proposed plans or activity to Jesus to be Lord of (along with the causes, results and associated matters)

Repent of any sin, forgive those who have hurt you.  Ask God to help you if you have trouble doing this.

In Jesus Name command Satan to leave

In Jesus Name command healing and restoration on all they did to you

Ask The Holy Spirit to replace the demons that have gone.

Note there is no need to fight Satan, just to declare a command for him to leave.

God's Purposes

Everything we do has two purposes:

to express God's character in some way

to serve His Kingdom in some way

We should be doing this in all we do on earth because then we will not be doing something that Satan desires us to do

This is expressed in three desires:

The desire to glorify God in all you do

The desire to serve others in their need (express God's Love)

To help people know God, know about God, to know what God requires of them so that they can be more like him.

In all things an attitude of holiness is required so that you will reject what Satan offers you and pursue what God desires you to do. This is why it is necessary for Jesus to be Lord of all you do.