How would Satan attack Christianity

For Centuries Satan hindered Christianity by hiding The Bible from the people and leaving doctrine in the hand of scholars who promoted their viewpoints on it as well allowing the then established church to proclaim doctrine according to what it needed to proclaim even though it might not have been Biblical or correct.  Few non-clergy people knew the bible to be able to correct any errors and if they did the established church removed anyone daring to criticise its doctrinal errors or promote The Bible and the reading of it.

These people were often burnt with their Bibles so that the true text was removed leaving only the corrupted text they had at that time.

Then the printing press came along and The Bible was accessible to all.  The church was no longer able to stop people reading it and the reformation occurred.  Satan now was losing control of established religion.

Direct frontal attack did not work as these only strengthened the Christians so he needed to attack it from inside Christianity and not externally if he wanted to control the church and guide it again.

Satan had predicted this problem with the true text being available to all and had hundreds of years to prepare to remove this true text.  In the 500’s he had a text prepared (The Vaticanus) and in the early 1800’s prepared a forgery (Sinaiticus) and in 1892 prepared a forged text for Mark which was used in the 7th USB edition.

The Vaticanus was unable to be used for translation as it had so many people correct it that it was hard to know which was the correct text.  Codices Vaticanus and 2472 were proven to be forgeries this last century so really theses text could not be used for bible translation but Satan convinced some scholars they could be.

With these heretical texts he was able to start his plan to replace the true text with a false text using respected scholars who claimed the three texts prepared by Satan were the true text and who also did not believe Jesus was divine but like all Greek heroes of the time was born an normal man and became God as a reward for what He did.

These people did not know or understand who God was or they would have believed the true text was preserved and not compromised in copying it.  Many modern theologians accept Satan’s text which means they really do not know who God is or they would have rejected it.  They would have believed God was able to preserve it when it was copied and so the true text was still with them.

So Satan was able to place his plan into action to replace the true text with his own text making Jesus mortal and human, causing scholars to doubt some parts of it and the miracles of Jesus amongst other things.  This is why Satan’s version removes 20% of the true text.

He desired to:

Replace the correct Biblical text with his own version, changing doctrine from what was correct to what he wanted to promote as doctrine.

1.     He needed to find codices he could use to replace the traditional text with and have them accepted by scholarship and denominations as being more accurate than the traditional text.

2.     He needed to remove the concept of Biblical preservation and inerrancy so he could alter his text to suit his needs and remove the traditional text as being corrupted and not correctly preserved by God.
(Scholar say we do not have the true text as man has corrupted it over time when they copied it bringing mistakes into the text, and that they need to work out what it says showing they really do not have faith in God who could preserve His true text regardless of what Satan did.  This is why Satan had to use doubters who called themselves Christian).

3.     He needed people to write this new text and scholarship that would declare this new text was based on better codices than the traditional text and should be used in place of it.  These scholars who really did not understood what God could do could who would not accept the traditional text or they would not teach this newer so called 'better' text.

4.     He needed denominations to accept this new text and use it as their basis of doctrine and faith and to stop using the traditional text.  These denominations also did not have faith in God or understood what He could do accepting man’s alterations to the true text as being correct).

5.     He then needed people to preach and teach it - preferably ministers and those authorised to teach doctrine in churches and in other Christian settings..

This he has succeeded in as you will see if you read the books on the subject that I have written on this subject which are on my website (

Satan’s master stroke was to make this heretical text the one on which all modern bibles are translated from and as it was the translator’s view that mattered strange things have come into the modern bible and at times they do not even agree which shows God is not behind them or they would be in agreement as The Holy Spirit  would be guiding the translation and not Satan.

The objectives of Satan

From examining the approach of scholars and editors to modern bibles and seeing the alterations they have made the objectives of Satan appear to be as follows:

Make The Bible appear to be like any other holy book written by man so it can be altered without having to be worried about a God disapproving of the alterations.

Make out the Jesus was conceived normally and not miraculously so He is no different to the founder of any other religion.

Because Jesus could not redeem us or save us, because He was not divine until after death, it appears salvation requires us to do something and not just accept what Jesus is suppose to have done.

Like Jesus, man can become divine through their personal effort just as Jesus became divine because of what He did and suffered.  This removed the redemptive work of Jesus.

Change peoples attitudes to demons and hell so that the conflict with God was hidden and Satan could represent them in a positive way or mythologise them so people would not believe in them as well as remove the knowledge of our authority over Satan and his demons.

Satan then has all religions on the same basis so that they can become one in worship as their basic beliefs are all the same in preparation for Antichrist.

This is why professing faiths like Jews, Muslims, and Christians will be exterminated in the tribulation when Antichrist rules so that they will not be there to show the errors of the one world religions.

So when you are wanting to stop Satan’s activities find the source of it and its beginning and you may need to go against something completely different and attack that.

