What was the background of Vaticanus and Siniaticus?
Origen was a famous early theologian stationed in Alexandria which was a centre of Gnosticism.. He edited The New Testament to reflect his beliefs.
A good article by Dr Ken Matto explains what Origen believed.
Origen’s Gnostic Belief System
By Dr. Ken Matto
Gnosticism was and is a belief that all matter is evil and that freedom comes through knowledge. The word Gnostic comes from the Greek word “gnosis” which means “knowledge.” The Gnostics of the first and second century had approximately eight basic beliefs as listed in "The Gnostics, the New Versions, and the Deity of Christ" by Jay Green.
1) They claimed to have a higher knowledge than that of Christianity.
2) They believed they were Spirit while others were soul and body.
3) They believed that matter was evil.
4) Their views produced sensuality and asceticism.
5) They rejected the Old Testament and God.
6) They allegorized the Scriptures to create a bridge between Gnosticism and Christianity.
7) They saw Christ as an inferior god to ones they created such as Demiurge or The Artificer.
8) They believed that Christ’s body was an illusion.
Even before the death of the Apostle John, a Gnostic named Cerinthus was already denying the deity of Christ. Origen (185-254 AD) was a heretic and Gnostic and along with Clement of Alexandria (d. 215 AD) helped to corrupt the manuscripts giving us the false versions of today. Here are 14 of Adamantius Origen's beliefs. When he taught, he wore the pagan robes of the pagan philosopher plus he castrated himself based on his Gnostic views of the evil of the flesh.
1) He believed the Holy Spirit was a feminine force.
2) He believed in Soul Sleep
3) He was a very strong proponent of Baptismal regeneration
4) He believed that Jesus was only a created being and Gnosticism taught that Jesus became Christ at his baptism but that he was
never God. He was a just a good man with very high morals.
5) He believed in the doctrine of Purgatory
6) He believed in transubstantiation
7) He believed in the transmigration of the soul and reincarnation of the soul.
8) He doubted the temptations of Jesus in Scripture and claimed they could have never happened.
9) The Scriptures were not literal. He was the father of allegory.
10) Genesis 1-3 was a myth, not historical or literal, as there was no actual person named "Adam."
11) Based upon Matthew 19, a true man of God should be castrated, which he did to himself.
12) He taught eternal life was not a gift, instead one must grab hold of it and retain it.
13) Christ enters no man until they mentally grasp the understanding of the consummation of the ages. (It was Frederick Dennison
Maurice in the 19th century who defined eternal life as coming to a knowledge of God. This is the essence of Gnosticism.)
14) He taught there would be no physical resurrection of the believers.
Origen's belief system clearly indicates that he was a Gnostic Greek Philosopher and not a true child of God. For who can hold these 14 beliefs and still consider themselves saved? The greatest corruption of the biblical manuscripts happened in the 2nd century in Alexandria when the true Antiochan manuscripts were mutilated to adapt to the beliefs of the Gnostics and Arians.
A 2nd century heretic named Marcion, discounted Matthew, Mark, and John and only accepted Luke, but only after he "corrected" it to fit his Arian beliefs. Arianism taught doctrines created by a man named Arius. He believed especially that the Son is not of the same substance as the Father but was created as an agent for creating the world. Arius was a Greek Philosopher (250-356 AD) who also taught that God was unknowable and that Christ was created and not fully divine. His teachings were declared heresy at the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD.
So it can be seen that the New Testament of Origen was heretical as it denied who Jesus was as well as taught you could allegorize The Bible so it could say what you wanted it to say.
The next player in the background of the Vaticanus and Siniaticus was the Emperor Constantine
He was a pagan until He died when near his death he was baptised a Christian.
He saw political advantage in uniting Christians and pagans and decided they should both worship on the same day. As he was a pagan he made Christians worship on the pagan Sunday feast day. Before this Rome and Alexandria were the only places Christians worshipped on Sunday. The rest of Christianity kept the Sabbath (Saturday).
He also made the Bible be edited by Eusibius and used the corrupt text of Origen as a basis for this editing. The idea was to alter it so that pagans could identify more with Christian beliefs so this New Testament actually rejected Christianity in some ways and Jesus it's Lord and showed acceptance of pagan new age beliefs so that pagans could identify more with Christians and pagans and Christians could both accept this corrupted Bible.
Who was Eusebius?
The following explains the theology of Eusebius
Posted on July 24, 2009 by jamesbradfordpate
Although Eusebius signed on to the Nicene Creed (after being excommunicated for heresy), he differed from it in certain respects. He denied that the Son and the Father were of the same essence, positing instead that the Son proceeded from the Father’s free will (creative act?). He also did not want to compromise the oneness of the Godhead, which he thought the notion of the Son’s divinity would do. And, unlike Trinitarians, he did not view the Holy Spirit as an eternal being, but rather as a creation by the Son.
Eusebius did not care much for “Sabellianism,” the modalistic view that there was one God who manifested himself in three different offices: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Sabellian God is one person who acts in three different ways, whereas the Trinitarian God is three persons in one being.
Eusebius was not exactly a Trinitarian, for he didn’t fully assent to the divinity of the Son and the Holy Spirit. But he wasn’t a Sabellian either, for he didn’t think that the “Son” and the “Holy Spirit” were offices that the one God performed. Rather, he viewed the Son as a person distinct from God.
Constantine had 50 of these texts corrupt by Origen and Eusebius made and distributed through out the empire. Most Christians rejected them.
Vaticanus and Siniaticus were two of these 50 texts and today they form the basis of modern Bibles which most Christians accept.
So the modern Bible is designed so that pagans can identify with Christians which means Christianity has been corrupted to be more acceptable to pagans. Any wonder the church is in the mess it is when The Bible says for the church to be separate from the world but the corrupted text allows its values to be in its Holy Book as well as have it deny the very essence of its founder and leader so that He is no different to the founders and holy men of pagan religions.
The message is a good example of how the corrupted text they used for this bible has made the Bible new age. When this is examined it will be seen how corrupted and far from The true Bible Christianity has come.
See http://www.life-everlasting.net/pages/corrections/Why%20the%20Messege%20bible%20should%20NOT%20be%20used.php