Basic Christianity

What follows is a list of books I have written over the eara. All may be freely copied in part or whole but not sold as they are in the public domain.

On God

The Lord Jesus
The Holy Spirit
God's Love
The Grace of God
The Glory of God
God's guidance
Gospel of Jesus
The Lordship of Jesus The Christ
Gospel of The Kingdom
The Kingdom of God
Sm and its cure
Spiritual warfare primer
Spritual warfare for children
T he servant of God
The abuse of Women
The armour of Christian
Core Attitudes
Doctrine - cxomments on
God has a plan For your life
Jesus, Satan and You
Jesus, why you need him
Know your enemy
A Meditation on Miracles
Modern Bibe Version and therir prtoblerms
On Demons and deliverance
The cause of Sin 
Our Weapons of Warfare