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Basic Christianity

This web page is concerned with  presenting Christianity as it was in the first century and not as it has been modified over the last two thousand years. Reference has been made to early Christian pracices and  otthode modifies by denominational practices.

It also presents a simple deliverance method anyone can do by themselves or with othesr requiring no deliverance experience,

What to do when temped temped

Basics of the Chrisyian life

delivence prayer

This is a simple deliverance prayuer you can pray by yourself without anyone else knowing what you are doing or praying. The Prayer

The Gospel -the expression of God's perfect Love for us.
God had cuntless servant because He had made angels, but He did not have any friends, so He made us. A servant relates differently to a friend,

Jesus My First Love


Sins that can send Christians to hell

A Deliverance manual

Spiritual warfare primer

The the only Kingdom that will last forever.  All the kingdoms on the earth willl dissapear along with Satan's kingdom of hell

Citizenship and The Kingdom of God


The attitudes of a citizen of The Kingdom of God Part 1 Part 2

The work of The Kingdom of God

Purposes and objectives

What is ministry

The battle we are in

How Satan has subverted God's creation

Simple books on important points of chistianity

How would Satan attack the church

The problem with modern bible

I have placed all he information I have on them here

You alone are responsible for maintaining your salvation because you decide whether to do what is necessary to maintaln it.