How would Satan attack Christianity and hinder the work of the reformation?

How would Satan attack the church


The Destruction of Christianity

The problems with modern theology

Why is the matter of Bible versions so important?

Since the modern Greek has been use by the western church the western church has declined and no longer demonstrates The Kingdom of God like the early church did and so has lost a lot of ground to the new age which people find more attractive as it does have a supernatural side to it, even though it is demonic. 

Siniaticus is a fake

Not believing Genesis chapters 1-11

My first writing on the matter asking the question "why would God make the changes that have been made in the Modern Greek Text.  They seem to go against the nature of God!

 My second writing on the subject looking at criteria and other matters to do with the New Greek Text

My third writing on this subject examining the error of the committee doing the New Greek because they were in complete rebellion against the spiritual authority over them that gave them the task of revising the King James Version so that God could not bless their work on this New Greek.  They were suppose to update the King James Version and not remove 20% of it replacing this with an inferior text in their new Translation of The Bible

Mu fourth writing on the subject deals with the attitudes of the people who manufactured the New Greek text

My fifth writing shows their deceit in the manufacturing of the New Greek text

My 6th writing is on how they humanised Jesus and why they did it

The Witness of one of the earliest Bibles

Modern theology (excuse my calling it that)+

Modern theologians and why they think the way they do

Pleasing pagan gods in the church

The Age of Siniaticus

Problems with using the Vaticanus and Siniaticus

The origins of Vaticanus and Siniaticus

A lawyer looks at the New Greek

An eminent Greek scholar looks at the New Greek

A scholar looks at the omissions in modern bibles

The effects of leaving out Mark 16:9-11

Salvation now requires our effort

So who is the real God?

The Conclusion

Tests to check Bible Version from

Sites with more information is Jesus King_James.htm  This is a very good site and the article called 'fighting back' is excellant on the problem with modern bibles.

and many others are on the web if you wish to search for them.

Books on Bible Problems can be found here