!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> The Web Pages of Neville Salvetti

To do with the problems with modern bibles

The problem with the moderm critical Greek text used to translate modern bibles

The Guidelines for translation were not followed

Introduction to problems weith mopdern Bibles

Ecumenicism and Modern Bibles

The Greek Text and Ephesians

Gospel and New Greek

How modern bible affect the Gospel

Modern Translations

Which God do modern theologians serve?

Why modern theologians think the way they do

Sinaiticus is a fraud

The Greates Fraud in Christian History

The heresy  behind modern bilbles
The humanising of Jesus in modern Bibles and its purpose
Modern Bibles and the problems of their foundations

Ephesians and the effect of the modern Greek on it

The one world Bible
How would Satan attack Christianity and hinder the work of the reformation?
How would Satan attack the church

The Destruction of Christianity

The problems with modern theology

The "Critical Greek" text used as the basis of modern bible translations are based on two forged, hereical codexes:
The humanisation of Jesus
Modern Bibe Version and their problerms
Modern Bibles - problems with source document
Effect of modern bibles on christianity
The philosophy behind modern bible
Th effect of the New Greek on redemtion
The effect of the New Greek on the Gospel
The effect of the New Greek on the Blood of Jesus
List of verses completely missing from modern bibles

Westott and Hort are anitiChrist as is shown by their greek text that has no codex as its basis for existing.

Modern bibles have no basis for existing.